Monday, May 31, 2010


Originally uploaded by devehf
It's in the air for you and me.

NBC broadcast antennas

NBC broadcast antennas
Originally uploaded by devehf
Tip of the rock

NBC radio

NBC radio
Originally uploaded by devehf
Rock tour artifacts.

Subway to battery park

Subway to battery park
Originally uploaded by devehf
Mmmmm tourism is so much fun when you are part of the hordes.

Ecology Building At Brown

Ecology Building At Brown
Originally uploaded by devehf
This is back of Walter Hall, the home of the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Sub-Department at Brown. I spent a lot of times in this back parking-lot and side yard mixing concrete anchors for ocean floor pelagic plankton collecting experiments. Also cleaning dive and intertidal field equipment for the benthic work we did as lab techs. Thanks to Steve Gaines and Mark Bertness, I have an eternal appreciation of complex systems and math modeling of nature. Also fellow research tech Eric Sanford, thanks for showing me the ropes. Those were some frigid January dives up in Maine, eh?